Welcome :) to poetry time
2025 reading/skimming list
Spring 2024 reading/skimming list
The Web Of Life Imperative by Michael J. Cohen
Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin
Symbiotic Planet by Lynn Margulis
Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory by Joanna Macy
Dream Dictionary by Tony Crisp
[excerpt from EDGU Meditation with Andrea]:
As we open the heart center
We invite in the light
Carving a lateral figure eight
Always following the course of the hands with the eyes
Carving the sun mobius
Carving the moon mobius
And from carving the moon mobius
We go into
Carrying plates
And now having looked outside and seen this gorgeous day
We begin to unlock the doors
With a slight twist of the wrist
and as we make our way we realize that there's a current
guiding us
exactly where we need to go
and so we pause
and toss away the paddles
as we release
releasing and letting go
trusting that that current is guiding us
exactly where we need to go just in this moment
we release the need for control
as we do we bring our awareness into the present moment
as the pendulum ticks and tocks
as the pendulum says welcome
welcome to the here and now
welcome to the only moment that ever exists
and as we breathe our way more fully into this present moment
we become aware of things we've been carrying with us in our canoes that we no longer need
and so with both hands to one side of the body
we reach in and unload
unloading anything that we no longer need
letting go of any angers
any resentments
any criticisms or judgments of self or others
any lack of self worth
any feeling of time pressure money pressure
any imbalances in health
whatever it may be for you
breathing it out
and as we release we make room now to draw in
reversing only the fingers
as we draw in
drawing in
drawing in that which you want
that which you need
and that which you so richly deserve
drawing in abundance in all its many and varied forms
drawing in perfect vibrant radiant health
a sense of peace compassion and unconditional love for self and others
Angels 4 Carrots at gmail dot com
1005 Pioneer Ave NE